How well do you think your business would perform if, following an accident or incident in the workplace, your employees were suddenly being interrogated by regulatory inspectors? What about if they had to attend court and give evidence at a trial or inquest proceedings?
For a high impact, ‘shock and awe’ approach, why not consider one of our interactive half, and full day events packages recreating the fallout from an adverse event, and following the narrative through to a simulated yet realistic criminal trial, taking participants into the world of criminal enforcement and highlighting the consequences of poor choices and shortcuts in respect of the planning and execution of work activities?
We regularly design and deliver realistic mock trials, mock inquests and mock investigations to help clients motivate improved performance via innovative, engaging and hard hitting ways of communicating the cost of getting health and safety wrong in the workplace.
These trials, inquests and investigations are delivered by experienced solicitors who are well versed in the drama and subtleties of the court room.
Book a session today to find out how well your business would perform when it’s under the spotlight of the law.